

As background, “dialects” (i.e., regional varieties of language) evolved from Latin throughout Italy as a result of the political instability that existed in that country from the fall of the Roman Empire to the unification of Italy in the 19th century. For more on Italian dialects, see DIALECTS OF ITALIAN.

Standardization of the language became a national goal and, while it has greatly facilitated economic progress, it has caused the dialects to slowly fade into history. For many of us, the dialect words and phrases link us to fond memories of our ancestors, so we don’t want to lose them. On this page, we want to recall the dialect of Torricella Peligna. We will build it with your help. Please submit your word (s) to us, providing both the dialect word or phrase and its English or Italian  translation. If you have a story that goes with it, include that as well. It is worth noting that the farmers (peasants) had a dialect within the Torricellan dialect. Where known, a note is included below. A humorous example using local dialect:

The Fallascosans called the Torricellans “Coccialuonghe” in dialect, which is “testa lunga” in Italian and “long head” in English. The Torricellans called the Fallascosans “Visciariel”, which means “small white beans” in dialect.  Those from Roccascalegna were called the “fruscillare” because they made “fruscielle”, wicker baskets used to make ricotta, and those from Pennadomo were called the “crapinare”, probably because they had goat herds.

Note that in dialect, the ending vowel is usually not pronounced with the full force the final vowel takes on in standard Italian. In dialect, the final vowel becomes somewhat muted sounding like “uh” in English and “eh” Italian or what is linguistically referred to as the “schwa” sound.

TorricellanoItaliano / ItalianInglese / English
l'AbruzzeL'Abruzzothe Abruzzo Region
’A bball pé l’ fuossein giù per i fossidown the ravines or ditches
Addò sti?dove stai?where are you?
addoreodorait smells
arifiatàrespirareto breathe
arialateregalatogiven/gifted (as a present) (for a low price)
arisponnerispondereto reply
li cacchidi salsiccia: pezzi di salsicciachopped pieces of sausage.
la cannelela candelacandle
La capabballela discesaa descent, way down
La capammondela salitaa hill, a way up
li capillei capellihair
lu callarucciepentolino di coccio da 1 lt in cui si cuocevano i fagioli, sul focolarea small 1 litre saucepan (pot) in which they used to cook beans on the hearth
La callarePentolone di rame da 50 - 100 lt in cui si riscalda l'acqua sul focolarea huge 50-100 litre saucepan in which water was heated on the hearth
li celli pieniletteralmente uccelli ripieni perchè nella forma assomigliano a dei passerotti ,sono dei dolci ripieni con il sanguinaccio e mandorle tritateliterally means filled birds – these are cakes that look like young sparrows, they are filled with sanguinaccio and chopped almonds
chiane chianepiano pianoslowly or gently
nienti cchiùniente piùnothing more
la chittrolePentola di rame da 20-25 ltbig copper saucepan of 20-25 litres
la ciuminiereil caminochimney
la coppaE' una specie di mortadellona fatta con i residui della testa del maiale.a sort of large mortadella made from the leftover pieces from the pig’s head.
lu coreil cuoreheart
la cucchiareil cucchiaiolarge spoon
lu cucchiarineil cucchiainosmall spoon
lu curtelleil coltelloknife
la frissorala padella in cui si frigge sul fuocothe frying pan in which they fry over the fire
la fronnala foglialeaf
la furcinela forchettafork
la furnacelleil barbacuebarbecue or small wood burning iron oven
a grasciein abbondanzaplentiful
ioieioI (typically, peasant use)
tieuetuyou (singular, familiar)
esselui, eglihe (very formal you singular)
vieuvvevoiyou (plural or semi-formal singular)
isseessi , lorothey
luildefinite article – the (masculine singular)
laladefinite article – the (feminine singular)
liglidefinite article – the (plural)
la lunela lunathe moon
luccicappellelucciolaglow-worm, firefly
mancheneanchenot even
mi n'addoneme ne accorgoI understand it
malamentecattivobad, wicked, naughty, badly, rudely
la mandiereil grembiulethe apron
lu misaleil tovagliathe table cloth
lu misticotteBevanda liquorosa ricavata cuocendo il mosto del vinoa dessert wine extracted from the cooking the wine’s "must" (made from grapes that are pressed and cooked)
m'baccedi frontefacing, in front
moiela mogliewife
mo sciadesso siyes, now I understand
muntagnela montagnamountain
n'alluccànon strillaredon’t scream
nan' ziun pocoa little
na frecheparecchioa lot, much
la ninguendela nevesnow
palazzeil palazzoa building, palace
la pignatellepiccolo tegame di cocciosmall earthenware skillet, frying pan
li piparuoleil peperonepepper
le pizzellesono dolci abruzzesi che si fanno con un impasto di uova e farina , molto lento, si prende un cucchiaio di questo impasto e si posa entro un apposito ferro fatta come una grossa pinza . Si fa cuocere appena sul fuoco e si mangiano dopo averle fatte raffreddare.sweet cakes/biscuits from Abruzzo which are made from a very loose batter of eggs and flour; a spoonful of this batter is placed into an iron made like pincers which is then closed and used to cook quickly over a fire. The pizzelle are allowed to cool before eating.
lu prisilellepiccolo sedile ricavato da un tronco di alberoa small seat made from a severed tree trunk
lu purcelleil maialethe pig
salsicce pazzesalsicce fatte con carne di maiale e teneramisausages made with pork and "tenerami"
li salsicciottisalamini soppressati, salame di maiale fatto in casa, quelli di Torricella sono squisitilarge pressed salamis, home-made pork salami – those from Torricella are delicious.
lu sanguinacciee' una specie di marmellata che si fa con il sangue del maiale( non ti so dire bene come si fa ma c'è la cioccolata in mezzo). E' molto buona e si spalma sul paneis a sort of "jam" or spread that is made using pig’s blood, usually mixed with chocolate. It tastes very good when spread on bread.
la scannatorauna specie di tavolo dove veniva appoggiato il maiale per ammazzarlo.a sort of table to put the pig on for killing it.
la scieneleL'ala del pollochicken wing
la seggiela sediathe chair
li sfrivolisono dei tocchetti di carne di maiale presi nella zona delle costole e si friggono in abbondante olio di oliva e spicchi di agliotiny pieces of pork from near the ribs which are fried with cloves of garlic in copious amounts of olive oil
lu silustrei fulminilightning
lu soleil solethe sun
nu surrise belleun sorriso belloa beautiful smile
li stellele stellethe stars
la tavelala tavolathe table
a taia teto you (typically, peasant use)
Lu ticchiarelletronchetto di legno che brucia pian piano entro il focolarea log of wood that burns very slowly in the hearth
li teneramiossa tenere, la cartilagenetender bones, cartilage
lu toneil tuonothunder
tozzelebussa ( bussare)to knock
lu tragnee' un recipiente di stagno che contiene circa 25 lt, ha un manico mobile, è il recipiente più utilizzato dai contadinia metal container holding about 25 litres, it has a moveable handle and is the receptacle most used by peasants.
lu troccoe' la mangiatoia del maialeis the feeding trough for the pig.
uocchie nireocchi neribrown eyes
lu uamiglieree’ un attrezzo di legno di quercia fatto come due braccia allargate e serve per appendere il maiale a testa in giu dopo che e’ stato ammazzato, in modo che si ripulisca di tutto il sangue.Si infila nelle tendini delle zampe posterioriis a wooden tool made of oak with two side arms that is used to hang the pig head-down after it has been killed so that the blood can all pour out. It is inserted into the tendons of the trotters of the hind legs
La vasanicolail basilicobasil
lu vrasciereil bracierebrazier
Vuoirail vento gelido che soffia da Nord est, un vento invernale che porta freddo, neve e vento. In Italiano si chiama la Bora, è il vento che soffia molto forte a Trieste, si incanala entro il mare Adriatico ed arriva sino alla Puglia. In Abruzzo , in particolare nella zona di Torricella, essendo alta 900 mt sul livello del mare, ci va a sbattere controe se lo prende tutto. Quando soffia la Bora fischia in un modo molto particolare e da proprio il senso del freddo gelido.an icy wind that blows from the North-East, a winter wind that brings the cold, snow and strong winds. In Italian it is called the Bora and it blows really strongly at Trieste, from where it flows straight down the Adriatic and reaches as far as Puglia. In Abruzzo, and especially in the zone of Torricella, which is at 900 metres above sea level, it really hits hard and takes everything with it. When it blows, the Bora whistles in a particular way that really gives a sense of icy coldness.
ti vuoie beneTi voglio beneI love you
ti vuoie tante beneTi voglio tanto beneI love you very much
ti vuoie vasciaTi voglio baciareI want to kiss you
vi nghi mevieni con mecome with me